ltd. clear 2xLP (vocal version plus instrumental version) in a thick screenprinted cardboard slipcase, plus risoprint 30x30cm poster and postcard (SOLD OUT)
inkl. MwSt.
zzgl. Shipping -> Deutschland i.d.R. 6,- € / World starting at 7€ - details see:
Pressing Info:
1st press: 200x clear, some of them w/ screenprinted covers as pre-order and record release editions (SOLD OUT), 600x black w/ grey cardboard cover - gatefold
2nd press: 500x white w/ brown cardboard cover - no gatefold, but nice cardboard lyric insert
all LPs come in embossed cover w/ UV spot on finish.
CD comes in thick cardboard packaging.
inkl. MwSt.
zzgl. Shipping -> Deutschland i.d.R. 6,- € / World starting at 7€ - details see:
Pressing Info:
1st press: 125x white (mailorder exclusive), 375x clear blue w/ white splatter (LAST COPIES)
2nd press: 500x black
all covers with UV spot gloss finish!
CD comes in nice gatefold digipack incl. big poster!
inkl. MwSt.
zzgl. Shipping -> Deutschland i.d.R. 6,- € / World starting at 7€ - details see:
Pressing Info:
150x half bronze/half black (mailorder exclusive), 850x black - all copies with DL code and huge poster
CD comes in nice big digipack with poster!
inkl. MwSt.
zzgl. Shipping -> Deutschland i.d.R. 6,- € / World starting at 7€ - details see:
Pressing Info:
1st press: 120x white in electric blue color-in-color, 480x white
all copies with all-over gold foil finish and including printed inner sleeve!
inkl. MwSt.
zzgl. Shipping -> Deutschland i.d.R. 6,- € / World starting at 7€ - details see:
This Charming Man Records is an independent record label from Muenster/Germany.
We work with Cargo Records Germany, Sonic Rendevouz (NL/BE), Day After, Cobraside (US), Code 7 (UK), Season Of Mist (FR) and Green Hell Records as our distribution/wholesale partners.
feel free to get in contact for wholesalerates
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