Pressing Info: first press: 150 copies clear wax, 850 red with black splatter - SOLD OUT second press: 325 White/Black Haze & 200 white - SOLD OUT third press: 500 copies red see-through copies - SOLD OUT fourth press: 500 copies grey wax - SOLD OUT fifth press: 500 black wax - SOLD OUT sixth press: 600 grey in white - SOLD OUT seventh press: 500 clear yellow Testpress with new Matrix: 10 copies
1st press: 100 on white wax plus Bonus 7", 400 on black wax - SOLD OUT 2nd press: 500 on black wax - SOLD OUT 3rd press: 500 on red see-through wax - SOLD OUT 4th press: 500 on turquise with black haze, see-through - SOLD OUT 5th press: 500 on mint green - SOLD OUT 6th press: 500 yellow-reddish marble - Sold Out 7th press: 500 clear / black haze
1st press: 100 copies creamy clear wax, 400 copies black wax – glossy 350 gram cover with din A 2 fold out-Poster – SOLD OUT 2nd press: 500 copies brown wax with a postcard instead of the poster – SOLD OUT 3rd press: orange wax - SOLD OUT 4th press: yellow wax - SOLD OUT 5th press: greenn wax / 180 Gramm