100 copies clear with black & oxblood splatter Wax, 400 copies white
all Lps have a pratial UV Spot On Lacquer and come with a 24 sided full colour Booklet!
€9,90 – €14,90
inkl. MwSt. zzgl. Shipping -> Deutschland i.d.R. 6,- € / World starting at 7€ - details see: https://bit.ly/441RJzB
100 copies clear with black & oxblood splatter Wax, 400 copies white
all Lps have a pratial UV Spot On Lacquer and come with a 24 sided full colour Booklet!
Lieferzeit: 2 Werktage, wenn nicht Preorder
Oakhands from munich, germany built their house right on the borders of Post-Hardcore, Emo and Indierock. Their debut „The Shadow of Your Guard Receeding“, released in Spring 2020 by this charming man records, is the follow to their critically acclaimed EP released by Uncle M in 2016. it will bring you 11 brand new tunes about family, mental health, social anxiety or masculinity in ones modern society, full of emotions and with its aesthetic compareable to the writers approach of the „Sturm & Drand“ period.
Their complexity, metaphoroc and their abstract forms of storytelling may seem a bit artsy and stand in contrast to their stripped down live performances.
„The Shadow of Your Guard Receeding“ will be visulaized by 7 conceptual videos telling one story on 3 different time layers – so please dive into the world of OAKHANDS with all your concentration and passion you have for this adventurous piece of music.
FFO: Foxing, The Tidal Sleep, Envy, frühe The World Is A Beautiful Place
Weight | N/A |
Format | clear with black & oxblood splatter, CD, digital download, white LP |
This Charming Man Records
an der Kleimann Adresse 36
48157 Münster
email: info at thischarmingmanrecords.com
Christian Weinrich