This Charming Man Records Artists & Band Roster
hey, you can’t keep track of all the mind blowing and fantastic great This Charming Man Records Artists who release or released at least one of your top 10 albums? no problem, here are almost all artists listed with more or less useful information and fancy pictures – enjoy!
check or TCM-Family-Compilationalbum on Soundcloud, to get a nice tour through the roster of follow us on BANDCAMP or SPOTIFY or check the TCM Webstore
(PUNK/EMO) KOSMONOVSKI from Rheine – yes, a new band walking in the paths of good old [...]
Goodbye Fairground
(GAINSVILLE PUNK) Achtung Paradoxon: Aus der Asche von Goodbye Fairground entsteht mit dem neuen Album wer genau? [...]
Demon Head
(70s ROCK) After the copenhagen 5 piece "Demon Head" formed in 2012, released a demo [...]
Closet Disco Queen
(INSTRUMENTAL ART METAL) Again? Jona Nido and Luc Hess (Coilguns, KUNZ, The Ocean, The Fawn, [...]
White Wine
(INDIE NOIR) White Wine oder wie zuvor Vin Blanc, sind Joe Haege (31 Knots / [...]
Viagra Boys
(POSTPUNK) 4 songs auf 45rpm… Die Gang ist im Haus, bitte sofort alle scharfen Gegenstände [...]
Toxic Shock
(CROSSOVER THRASH) Toxic Shock is a thrash, hardcore punk band from Antwerp (Belgium). Started rehearsing [...]
Mountain Witch
(70s DOOM) MOUNTAIN WITCH were initially formed as an instrumental project by guitarist Rene Sitte [...]
Space Chaser
(THRASH METAL) This rat pack from berlin will blow your mind. think of hi-tops, beer [...]
The Great Beyond
(70s ROCK) The Great Beyond fellas from Münster Germany are a typical power rock trio [...]
Insanity Alert
(TRASH/CROSSOVER) The alpine 4-piece mows everything down: Crossover-Thrash like the good old days, with a [...]
The Tidal Sleep
(POSTHARDCORE) Over the last years The Tidal Sleep worked their way up to the top [...]
Wolf Mountains
(SLACKER-INDIE ) Wolf Mountains! These three dudes from stuttgart seem to be relaxed as relaxed [...]
Criminal Body
(80s POSTPUNK) If you’re mainly grown up in 80s, you probably dug all the minimal [...]