Wall – s/t LP


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Pressing Info:

100x white (SOLD OUT), 400x black
All copies come with thick die-cut & screenprinted cardboard cover and printed inner sleeves!

Lieferzeit: 2 Werktage, wenn nicht Preorder


WALL are five dudes from cologne/bonn are a v2 rocket filled with pink flowers, are a cotton candy thunderstorm, bringing a war ensemble full of melody and heavyness. Sounding like 13 tons of candy falling on your cranium from a mile-high tower crane during a solar eclipse. think of God Flesh, Jesu and the mighty Floor. yes, you’re right – it is damn massive!

I’m really into this stuff, and hope I’ll see these nice folks again when they hit town. And I sure wish them the best of luck for this new release, which is just awesome in my opinion. Saying this, I haven’t even heard the final mix of this yet. But these songs just keep growing on you, they make me feel the energy these guys deliver. Enough said…. – Stef B.SON

Additional information

Weight 0,3 kg




This Charming Man Records
an der Kleimann Adresse 36
48157 Münster

email: info at thischarmingmanrecords.com

Verantwortliche Person in der EU

Christian Weinrich

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This Charming Man Records is an independent record label from Muenster/Germany.

We work with Cargo Records Germany, Sonic Rendevouz (NL/BE), Day After, Cobraside (US), Code 7 (UK), Season Of Mist (FR) and Green Hell Records as our distribution/wholesale partners.
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