(Posthardcore) 70 cm3 of Your Chest is the volumina of blood an average adult heart pumps with one beat. It is also a crushing threepiece outfit from Vilnius, Lithuania (now living in Berlin) which plays heartfelt atmospheric music in the veign of Tidal Sleep, Touche Amore and alikes. This is what they say `bout themselves:
„In the year of 2015 three friends tried to play their first chords together and named this small diy band 70 cm3 of Your Chest. On these days we didn’t know how long or how far this will go but we kept it growing to this day. Inspired by bands such as Arktika, Fall of Efrafa, The Tidal Sleep and DIY hardcore scene as a whole we started our path with self-recorded studio EP and packed our things to the first Europe tour ever in the summer of 2016.
The same summer we released our first LP. The same year two of us (Justina & Arnas) have moved to Berlin where we live now. We had to look for a new band member but the band remained. Now 70 cm³ of Your Chest is Arnas (vocals, guitar), Justina (vocals, bass) and Andrea (drums). Since 2015 we did 6 tours in Europe and played nearly 100 shows. April of 2019 is highly exciting time for us as we are releasing our second LP ‘when I was a dinosaur’ and going on a tour towards Portugal.“
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