pogendroblem – Ich-Wir col.LP Preorder

pogendroblem gif

los geht’s mit einer neuen pogendroblem Platte! Schön räudig, genau das richtige für den morgigen Vatertag. Da habt ihr genug Zeit, mal über das Generelle nachzudenken. Alle LPs kommen mit zwei ausfaltbaren Inlays und download code – die 100 mailorder only copies kommen in pink glow in the dark Wax, die restlichen 400 in weiß! Den ersten neuen Song „Wir“ könnt ihr gerne jetzt bei der Visons auschecken… !

Update September 2019

  • Update September 2019 https://thischarmingmanrecords.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/fleshworld-lp-wizualicacja.jpghttps://thischarmingmanrecords.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Bildschirmfoto-2019-09-13-um-16.53.34-1-e1568885214158.jpghttps://thischarmingmanrecords.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Eddie-Header.jpg
  • Update September 2019 https://thischarmingmanrecords.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/fleshworld-lp-wizualicacja.jpghttps://thischarmingmanrecords.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Bildschirmfoto-2019-09-13-um-16.53.34-1-e1568885214158.jpghttps://thischarmingmanrecords.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Eddie-Header.jpg
  • Update September 2019 https://thischarmingmanrecords.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/fleshworld-lp-wizualicacja.jpghttps://thischarmingmanrecords.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Bildschirmfoto-2019-09-13-um-16.53.34-1-e1568885214158.jpghttps://thischarmingmanrecords.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Eddie-Header.jpg


right now we have two brand new TCM Releases ready for preorder: the new Fleshworld and Mojo Jazz Mob are ready for Preorder and will be released on october 11th! And we have some special treats for you, the upcoming Wolf Mountains and the new Kadavar (which will be the band store edition and signed from the band!) see all four releases here:

Mojo Jazz Mob from between the fields Cover

Mojo Jazz Mob from between the fields col.LP with Print

Update September 2019 https://thischarmingmanrecords.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/fleshworld-lp-wizualicacja.jpghttps://thischarmingmanrecords.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Bildschirmfoto-2019-09-13-um-16.53.34-1-e1568885214158.jpghttps://thischarmingmanrecords.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Eddie-Header.jpg

Wolf Mountains – Urban Dangerous LP

Kadavar Dead Travel col.LP

Kadavar – For The Dead col.LP

Fleshworld The Essence col.LP Cover

Fleshworld – The Essence col.LP


the most recent releases are the new Ed Fraser and Braunkohlebagger Vinyls which are ready to ship and have their release today! but we had some nice other bands as well as the new Krank 12″, the Neorite CD and the Kaptain Kaizen LP

Up & Comin‘

Liebe Freunde,

in kürze lieferbar: die neue BLCKWVS ltd. 2xLP

Up & Comin' Liebe Freunde,

150 copies mit handgefertigtem Schube, veredelt mit schwarzem partiellen Lack!



The Great Beyond s/t LP/CD Preorder

Hohoho und frohe Weihnachten gehabt zu haben…

alle sollten sich sofort selbst mit der neuen The Great Beyond beschenken – das ist an sich ein Befehl, von ganz oben. Also anstatt so einen Mist wie Greta Van Fleet zu hören. Just sayin‘

„Finally. New food for 70s and Classic Rock fans! After the celebrated TCM debut EP „A Better Place“ last year, The Great Beyond from Münster are preparing for the band’s first self-proclaimed longplayer.

Once again, the guys unpack a lot of great guitar sounds, which were all arrested somewhere in the 70s. But overall the songs gain more facets than their predecessor EP. If „A Better Place“ was the stylish, but reservedly relaxed guy in a vintage shirt, the Full Length colleague might be the best buddy with a fringe jacket and an enormous thirst for beer. The subtle thunderstorms have stayed and the sound is still vintage soaked, but the whole thing changes now more than ever with parts that move forward with a wild hard rock feeling, always on the thin line between the powerful Queens Of the Stone Age and the casual playfulness of their classic rock colleagues Heat or Kadavar. Fans of the TCM-Doom outfit Mountain Witch should also try it, because of the fantastic 70s flair and the fast and convincing riffs.“

The Great Beyond s/t LP/CD Preorder Hohoho und frohe Weihnachten gehabt zu haben... The Great Beyond s/t LP/CD Preorder Hohoho und frohe Weihnachten gehabt zu haben...


Wire Love „Leave the bones“ is out today!

from everythingisnoise.com:

“ If you find yourself thinking ‘I’ve never heard of this band before‘ you are most likely correct. A band born from the ashes of Orbit the EarthWire Love are looking to elevate the intensity of the post-hardcore scene in Germany. They do so by bringing massive amounts of groove with just the right amount of technicality interspersed. Their style results in an extremely energetic and high-pressure aural experience that could draw similarities to acts like Botch.

The production is crisp and very well-layered, thanks to the skillful handling at The Tonmeisterei in Oldenburg. The mix is very clear, but there is an edge to it that maintains a semblance of the genre’s classic abrasiveness. It is a powerful and massive sonic assault, one in which there is still enough breathing room for layers of atmosphere and conscious song structure to break through. Wire Love are looking to put the post-hardcore scene on its toes, and this album has the potential to do just that.

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Wire Love forming from the ending of other music groups is really almost ironic, as Leave The Bones is an album that explores life and how daunting picking up the pieces of broken things can sometimes be. Julian De Manos of the band had this to say on the album-

Life can be daunting, even frightening. Sometimes you’re feeling like picking up the pieces of your existence, trying to put them back together just to realize the fixed mosaic looks kind of grotesque. It feels like you have lost yourself. It’s a terrible state of mind and “Leave The Bones“ kind of deals with that. It’s about realizing that things are ultimate, that nothing is certain. It’s terrifying, but it’s the way it is. „Long live the burial ground. Deep down I know I’m safe and sound.“ Dealing with that is a real challenge for me and if there’s one big topic the record is dedicated to, this would be it.


Wire Love "Leave the bones" is out today! from everythingisnoise.com:


This Charming Man Records is an independent record label from Muenster/Germany.

We work with Cargo Records Germany, Sonic Rendevouz (NL/BE), Day After, Cobraside (US), Code 7 (UK), Season Of Mist (FR) and Green Hell Records as our distribution/wholesale partners.
feel free to get in contact for wholesalerates

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