Berlin 2020. Three long-haired beer drinking good-for-nothings form a new band! As if there is no better idea at smoke-oh between the lawless tattoo hideouts and the banned spätkauf. Their debut album reminds of 70´s punk made in Australian pubs, on Southern California streets, Detroit dumpsters and german noisy fake jazz hard-rock sauerkraut crypts. Pickle some cut-loose early SAINTS demos, SUICICE COMMANDOS weirdness, off MAD PARADE / LEFTOVERS vocals with riff-driven, loud guitars. S.U.G.A.R. did not played any shows yet. It won´t change a bit of that odd and rough impression, those hellhounds are battle-scarred by the roaring years of garage rock and we would not wonder if the members sum up to thousand shows total in their previous bands. Besides SLANDER TONGUE, the Berlin proto rock thing to watch in late 2021. Recorded by Dick Rubin at RRR Studio, rest in peace. Stunning fake BLACK LIPS artwork! First press stats 200 black vinyl, 100 red vinyl mailorder/band only. Heavy, printed cardboard inner sleeve. First couple hundred copies come with extra two band stickers and download code.
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