Louis Jucker & Coilguns – play Kråkeslottet and Other Songs from the Northern Shores col.LP


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comes in a 350g sleeve including fully printed inner sleeve
artwork printed on the reverse (rough) side of the board

150 copies made in clear wax

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SKU: LJ&C col.LP Categories: , ,


PREORDER! out July 10th 2020

Louis Jucker spent a year touring his album Krakeslottet with the three others members of Coilguns as a backing band. Playing these intimate folk sketches among friends with loud guitars and meaty drums turned out to be much more successful than any of them had expected. Show by show the songs grew thicker and greasier. It felt logical and necessary at the end of the tour to lock down for two days in the studio and record a very last live set in front of the microphones. Tracked on tape with ribbon mics and mixed by the artist himself the old school way, the result is a faithful rendition of what the band sounded like during their intense last shows.

Additional information

Weight 0,300 kg

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