Dopethrone – Hochelaga col.LP (Totem Cat)


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Repress gold Wax! 6th press

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Nun kommt die DOPETHRONE Hochelaga Platte also endlich als farbige Repress zurück in die Plattenregale! Das Qualitätslabel TOTEM CAT lässt sich hier nicht lumpen…

My highlight from this album is ‘Scum Fuck Blues’, song 4 on the record, simply because it’s absolutely the most pissed off track, and makes you feel like you wanna go wreck something. We’ve all been in those pitch black moods, where absolutely nothing is good anymore, and we want to simply just crawl in a hole and die. That’s this song. It’s a bad mood and a bar fight put to sound, and the video that TheWhoreChurch did on YouTube is absolutely perfect. Using old footage, both movie and life, they capture the grit of the music, the brutality and passion with which Dopethrone lay down their drug fueled rhetoric. 

The album is topped with artwork that should have been a horror poster for an obscure 70s satanic ode, perfectly communicating what sonic ride you are about to embark upon. This album is perfect for the person who wants to dig deep in the grave for stoner/doom music, who wants something a little darker off the path of music. Or, if you’ve found Electric Wizard and loved them, want something new to spin. Grab it as soon as it drops!

so sagt es der SLUDGELORD!

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Weight 0,300 kg



This Charming Man Records
an der Kleimann Adresse 36
48157 Münster

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Verantwortliche Person in der EU

Christian Weinrich

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