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The Moth – Frost LP+CD (Exile On Mainstream)


Seit ihrem gefeierten Debüt They Fall von 2013 liefert das Hamburger Heavy-Trio THE MOTH regelmäßig Tracks mit einer Eingängigkeit ab, die im Genre Sludge überraschen. Zur letzten LP Hysteria von 2017 war in einer Review treffend zu lesen: „Popmusik, gespielt mit einem Bulldozer“. Mit ‘Kim Wilde meets Bolt Thrower’ beschreibt es die Band selbst. Diesen Ansatz treiben THE MOTH nun mit ihrem neuen Album Frost auf die Spitze. Eingängige Hooklines verfangen sich wie ein ausgeworfener Fleischerhaken in Herz und Hirn der Zuhörer und erklären, warum die Band ihren Stil Doom-Sludge-Pop nennt. Das trifft es. Unter der Schale roher Wucht, die die Songs zunächst präsentieren, zeigen THE MOTH lyrisch allerdings eine neue Offenheit und Verletztlichkeit. Das Er- und Durchleben von Schicksalsschlägen zieht sich als wiederkehrendes Thema durch die Platte – alles unter einer rauen Schale aus markantem und bewusst rohem Klang, den Cécile (Gesang/Bass), Freden (Gitarre/Gesang) und Curry (Drums) mit hohem Wiedererkennungswert darbieten. Dröges Riffgebrumme und mantrisches Gestoner sind nicht ihr Ding. Wer THE MOTH live erlebt, findet sich automatisch mit bissigem Kopfnicken, Bierdurst und in Hüfthöhe geballter Faust vor der Bühne wieder.

Frost wurde in gerade mal 24 Stunden live eingespielt, aufgenommen und gemischt von Jose Lorenzo, Bombrec Recording. Gemastert von Timo Höcke, Die Wellenschmiede. Nach drei Alben beim fantastischen Label This Charming Man, geben THE MOTH mit Frost ihr Labeldebüt auf Exile On Mainstream

2024-10-08T18:17:19+02:00September 1st, 2023|, , , , |Kommentare deaktiviert für The Moth – Frost LP+CD (Exile On Mainstream)

The Moth – They Fall LP/CD

“…Look this THE MOTH album is testament that Germany have another excellent Sludge/Stoner Metal band to call upon. It could be that these Sludge Rockers could be one of my fave discoveries of 2013. Excellent and Highly Recommended.” – Sludgelord

Bäm… es hat zwar etwas gedauert, aber dann hat es mächtig geblasen. The Moth kommen langsam aber sicher und dann schiebt es ziemlich. Eigentlich gibt’s nix wirklich Neues, aber das halt in geil. Stellt Euch eine Mischung aus Kylesa (Spinal Shadow-Phase), Mastodon (eher spätere Phase) und Baroness (rote LP) vor, dann sind wir ziemlich nah an The Moth – dann schnuppern wir sozusagen am Hintern.

Es gibt fette Gitarren, schiebende Drums und stellenweise im Duett gesungene Mann/Frau-Vocals (…ich weiss, das ist schwierig, ich bin da generell KEIN Fan, aber das hier ist super!).

Die Gesangsache hat fast “Effekt”-lastiges… das ist auf jeden Fall sehr gelungen. Die Songs bewegen sich fast ausschließlich im Uptempo “Schunkel-Doom”-Bereich, das dem Bierspritz-Hool a la Valient Thorr auch ja nicht langweilig wird. Und zum Cover gibt’s auch `ne coole Ankedote: Das Bild ging durch die Weltpresse, wurde erst für Fake gehalten, aber der Typ, Dr. Arthur Anker, der sie fotografiert hat, ist ein crazy Biologie-Freak, der an der Uni Singapur doziert und diese Motten-Art in Venezuela entdeckt und sie erstmals fotografiert hat. Und da der gute Doc. genau weiß, was Qualität ist, hat er das Photo der Band nach Absprache zur Verfügung gestellt. Jetzt kommst du… Semmelrogge hat wohl recht gehabt…

2024-09-09T09:49:47+02:00Mai 29th, 2018|, , , , , |Kommentare deaktiviert für The Moth – They Fall LP/CD

The Moth – Hysteria LP/CD

„Hysteria“, das dritte Album der Hamburger Doomer The Moth geht sich deutlich kompromissloser, brutaler und kaputter als die Vorgänger an. Die Gang von der Waterkant hat enorm Power und Zeit in das neue Album investiert – es wurde insgesammt 2 mal Aufgenommen, und 3 mal die kompletten Gesänge gemacht, weil sie mit den zweiten „professionelleren“ Aufnahmen nicht zufrieden waren. Also ie Aufnahmen weggeworfen und nochmal an die ersten gesetzt… Das Resultat ist die reinste und pureste The Moth Platte die man sich vorstellen kann – Bass, Wums und Fuzz – alles auf Anschlag… Soundtechnisch sind sie nun da, wo sie live schon lange angelangt sind – das Hosenbein flattert wenn es losgeht. Songwriting technisch sind die Songs ausgefeilter und abwechslungsreicher als der Vorgänger, es wird im Tempo variiert und es schleicht sich auch ein ganz langsamer Doomer ein. Toll!

Hysteria the third album from Sludge riffsters The Moth sees the band carry on their distorted journey. More progressive and more daring than previous albums. The album contains moments of dark lyrics spliced with their trademark bass heavy sludge/doom sounds. The dual vocals from Cecile and Freden are full-on and confident as ever. The album has moments of crust, punk and even thrash metal. It’s hard to pick a standout track as The Moth have created perhaps their most complete album to date. Though I say that with every album they’ve released so far. Take my word for it and believe that HYSTERIA is one to go completely crazy over.“ Steve Howe – Outlaws Of The Sun

2024-04-21T10:34:54+02:00Mai 29th, 2018|, , , |Kommentare deaktiviert für The Moth – Hysteria LP/CD

The Moth – And Then Rise LP/CD

“Verrucht, exzellent und unglaublich packend – “And Then Rise” reißt mit!” Andy – Sludge Worm Magazine

“Schon jetzt ein heißer Anwärter für den Jahrespoll – die Motten flattern Richtung Rampenlicht!” Timon –

“This album was one of my top albums to look out for in 2015. Does it live up to expectations? You betcha. The Moth has delivered an album that outclasses the debut album in every respect. It seems The Moth have upped their game for this release as the album ventures into more progressive territory with elements of Thrash Metal appearing now and then. (…) The Moth have created an album that is going to end up on a few Best of 2015 album lists. It’s already grabbed a place on mine. And Then Rise is simply unmissable on every level.” The Sludgelord 2015

Wem das Debut über die volle Distanz zu gleichförmig oder hypnotisierend war, der findet auf “And Then Rise” alles, was das moderne Doommetal-Herz begehrt: Shredder-, Slomo-, Doomparts, kombiniert mit fetten und groovenden Sound – das alles findet Platz ohne nach Stückwerk zu klingen. Auch die Stimmungen variieren – von aggressiv bis melancholisch, alles an Bord! Zu erwähnen wäre noch: Alles was man hört ist „echt“ – keine Effektboards bei der Gitarre – roh und direkt – die No Frills-Methode bewährt sich offensichtlich! Der Sound ist deutlich ausgefeilter und direkter als beim Debut. Der Bass ist auch ein Monster und die Drums grooven wie verrückt! Das Cover kommt diesmal von Johannes Stahl ( – seinesgleichen kein Unbekannter in der hiesigen DIY-Layoutszene (Arbeiten für Koloss Clothing, Kadavar). Aufgenommen wurde von Timo Höcke at 141-Studios in Hamburg (u.a. Mantar)

2024-08-02T19:58:27+02:00Mai 29th, 2018|, , , , |Kommentare deaktiviert für The Moth – And Then Rise LP/CD

Fleshworld – The Essence Has Changed, But The Details Remain col.LP/CD

A five-piece band FLESHWORLD from Kraków, Poland, revolving around the concepts of uncertainty and change, beauty found in decay, and the indescribable emotions. Unpleasant, noisy, and melodic sludgy post-hardcore, evoking nostalgia, regret, and uneasiness. 2019 will see the release of their new album, “The Essence Has Changed, but the Details Remain” through This Charming Man Records. It blends blackened hardcore with melancholic screamo, and psychedelic improvisation. The album was recorded entirely live in Monochrome Studio, a reclusive retreat in the Silesian wilderness, engineered by Haldor Grunberg from Satanic Audio (Thaw, Behemoth) and mixed/mastered by Sylvain Biguet, who also worked with artists like Birds in Row, Death Engine, Valve, or As We Draw. Fleshworld was initially founded in 2010 as an electronic/post rock duo, the band gradually grew and developed. For a while they revolved around the post-rock/post-metal genres. Since then, the band has been getting heavier and more aggressive with each iteration, while still retaining a certain introspective mood and melodic approach.


ATTENTION: Polish customers order here through the polish outlet

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2024-08-30T12:53:13+02:00Januar 12th, 2023|, , , , |Kommentare deaktiviert für Fleshworld – The Essence Has Changed, But The Details Remain col.LP/CD

Jess and the Ancient Ones – Vertigo col.LP (Svart)

Lieferbar vorraussichtlich 1. Woche Juni!

The Savonian occult rock behemoth Jess and The Ancient Ones have emerged with a new album! Their brand of heavy guitar and organ-led swagger has progressed from the twin guitar metal blast of yesteryear to Jess and The Ancient Ones’ very own take on soulful late sixties garage psychedelia. Titled Vertigo, the new record is set for release on Svart Records on May 21st this year with a foreboding sound of lysergic doom.

What began on the previous record, ‘The Horse & Other Weird Tales’ is taken further and deeper, towards a conclusion on Vertigo. Songwriter and guitarist Thomas Corpse comments, “To me this album sounds like a dark horse – a brother to the previous album. There’s a strange ominous feeling that hovers upon the entire album, maybe it’s the feeling of nostalgia that’s arising from the lyrics.”

Wrapped in a crude tornado-adorned old school sleeve, the album’s eight tracks bubble in a boiling cauldron of vintage pop culture influence and occult-tinged paranoia. Ranging from the softly fiery opening track ‘Burning of The Velvet Fires’ to the almost heavy metal -ish nihilistic banger ‘Born To Kill’, Vertigo is a spiraling journey of heavy Finnish psych rock at its finest.

2023-01-24T14:11:26+01:00Mai 28th, 2021|, , , |Kommentare deaktiviert für Jess and the Ancient Ones – Vertigo col.LP (Svart)

Arctic Flowers – Straight To The Hunter LP (Contrazt)

It’s a tumultuous world out there, something Portland, OR punk band Arctic Flowers know all too well. On their third album, Straight to the Hunter, they are taking time to address the issues that have plagued them.
Album opener “Hallow Water” introduces the idea that “it’s been a long time since [they’ve] had any peace of mind.” Throughout the next 11 tracks, layered and scattered guitars ring out as loudly or louder than Alex Carroccio’s torn vocals. There are moments of clarity when her voice, and subsequently her message, breaks through the noise. The album is angry and chaotic, just like the environment in which it was produced.
Each song jumps out like a weekly headline. The political themes run the gamut, jumping from questions of mental health in “One Foot” to addressing immigration policy in “Dreamer” and ending with a plea to mother earth in “Husk.”
Music is personal and the personal is political. This album keeps brings these elements together inviting the listener to join them in their riot grrl renaissance. (Independent)

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2022-07-07T12:24:04+02:00Dezember 3rd, 2019|, , |Kommentare deaktiviert für Arctic Flowers – Straight To The Hunter LP (Contrazt)

Prisoner – Beyond The Infinite LP (Forcefiled)

PRISONER emerged from the fertile Richmond underground in 2012 and has been dragging their feral, unforgiving roar across the East Coast and Midwest ever since. In 2014 FORCEFIELD RECORDS issued their debut EP offering FEAR IS THE MIND-KILLER on cassette, a savage demonstration of deranged hardcore/metal that viciously declared their arrival to an unsuspecting world while simultaneously hinting on the insanity yet to come…now enter BEYOND THE INFINITE!

On PRISONER’S newest offering and vinyl debut, the band has laid waste to any and all preconceptions. Meticulously recorded by Ricky Olson (Unsacred, Unholy Thoughts, etc.) at The Ward in Richmond, VA and mastered by Brad Boatright (Nails, YOB, Poison Idea, etc.) at Audiosiege, PRISONER is poised to take on the world with their unique brand of noise damaged, nightmarish hardcore/metal. From the “arena crust” on acid vibe of burners like “Eternalist” and “Starve” to the oppressive, industrial inspired madness of behemoths like “Elapse” and “Abyss” this record is truly beholden to no weak genre construct. Blast beat ridden passages of tremolo picked terror give way to swathes of synth soaked post-metalish uproar. Unhinged, noisy d-beat raging crashes headfirst into the creeping slow grind of industrial treachery. This is BEYOND THE INFINITE, a harrowing soundtrack to survival pulled from the claustrophobic underbelly of society.

FFO: Baptists, Tragedy, Nails

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2023-12-23T16:37:59+01:00November 21st, 2019|, , , |Kommentare deaktiviert für Prisoner – Beyond The Infinite LP (Forcefiled)

Colored Moth – DIM col.LP (W&V)

„DIM“ – The ominous 3rd record, of the trio Colored Moth from Berlin, narrates the dim fading of colors, but fights against it at the same time having color in its name. Limitless versatility on 13 new songs, dressed in a post-HC disguise. Recorded live for the first time and as usual in their own rehearsal room. Raw, grubby, sweaty and original, because everyone who saw them already on stage, knows that here lies the primal force of the band. Loosing themselves in the moment of the performance, so the audience needs to be concerned about the health of the three noisicians.

Colored Moth considers „DIM“ as more spontaneous and dynamical, that reveals its musical progress, as they drop plenty of bulky goods in order to sound more unlocked. Singer and bassist Sandor explains: „The expression of the songs are more direct and sound a bit more open compared to the last album.“

However, the experimental moment still exists, for instance, the four interludes, revealing the love for noise and ambient. Or, the long intro for the balladesque „Der Blinde Uhrmacher“, which builds up melodically, without wasting even a syllable of text, as the title already speaks volumes. „But yet, the „Colored Moth moment“ shimmers through on and off, creating mandala-esque melodies, noise attacks and unconventional arrangements.“ – says Christoph, singer and guitarist, about the compositional approach of the band.
Lyrically, political topics are picked up again and therefore the musical medium is used accordingly. For example, the song „Whataboutism“ or the shortest track on the album „The Social Darwinist Program“ gives a little history lesson about a traditionally everlasting competitive-driven society.

„What happens around us doesn‘t leave us cold.’“ depicts the band, „Quite the contrary: it is important for us to use our instruments and lyrics to be thought-provoking and express protest against a strongly human influenced world that is close to the abyss and has never managed to be in unison.“

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2022-07-07T12:30:10+02:00November 19th, 2019|, , |Kommentare deaktiviert für Colored Moth – DIM col.LP (W&V)

Sweet Chariot – Lean Into The Breeze LP (WhoCanYouTrust)

Influenced by such bygone bands as Creedence Clearwater Revival, The Grease Band, The Byrds and Big Star, Sweet Chariot also found themselves inspired by Teenage Fanclub, GospelbeacH, Shannon And The Clams, Endless Boogie, and Chris Robinson, who along with Isaiah Mitchell, jumped up onstage with the band last year. Sweet Chariot has also shared stages with NRBQ, Mother Hips, The Flamin’ Groovies, New Riders Of The Purple Sage, Jesse Dayton, Beachwood Sparks, Allah-Las and the late, great Pegi Young. (The Obelisk)

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2021-12-19T03:20:51+01:00April 16th, 2019|, , |Kommentare deaktiviert für Sweet Chariot – Lean Into The Breeze LP (WhoCanYouTrust)

TCM Surprise Pakete für Vinyl und CD

5x VINYL SURPRISE PAKET: ihr könnt zwischen zwei Paketen aussuchen, dem “soften” und dem “harten” Sound. Ihr bekommt 5 neue Platten zum Superpreis von 24,90 – lasst euch überraschen. (Das Produktbild ist ein Beispielbild!)


15x CD SURPRISE PAKET: wählt einfach unter folgenden CD euer 10 Wunsch-CD aus & schreibt Eure Wünsche in das Kommentarfeld! Ihr bekommt auf jeden Fall 10 der gewünschten CDs plus 5 Cds unserer Wahl!

choose 10 CDs from the list below – add the 10 names to the comment field while ordering and we add 5 Cds our choice to the package!

Heat – Labyrinth CD

Heads. – s/t CD

Karies – Es geht sich aus CD

Wolf Mountains CD

White Wine – Who Cares CD

Sex Jams CD

Demon Head – Ride The Wilderness CD

Travelin Jack CD

Mountain Witch – Burning CD

Space Chaser – Dead Sun CD

Hey Ruin – IrgEndwas CD

Hey Ruin – Poly CD

Toxic Shock – 20last CD

Freiburg – Brief CD

AND – Aeternus CD

Nuage & das Bassorchetser CD

Goodbye Fairground CD

Karies – Seid Umschlungen CD

Night Shirts – Live from… CD

See Through Dresses – s/t CD

The Moth – and then rise CD

Trainwreck – Old Departures CD

The Tidal Sleep – Vorstellungskraft CD

Warm Graves – Ships will come CD


2024-09-26T19:49:57+02:00Februar 25th, 2022|, , , |Kommentare deaktiviert für TCM Surprise Pakete für Vinyl und CD

Kavrila – Mor col.LP (Narshadaa)

KAVRILA from Hamburg/Germany are back with a new record. A diary of loss. Back and forth between memories, presence, and the struggle within. A cathartic process. Introversive. Abrasive. Fragile. Not supposed to comfort you. Not supposed to give you answers. For their sophomore album Kavrila decided to take a different approach to recording Mor compared to their previous album, and EPs. A two day live recording session with producer, and engineer Timo Höcke at his Wellenschmiede Studio in Hamburg, Germany. Apart from a few overdubs everything else was composed and recorded in the studio. During the creative process of “Mor” a decision was made to give the music the right amount of time needed, so it could resonate better to Alex‘s vocals, and his approach to the lyrics. The passing of his mother, and the process of coping became the main theme of the whole album. This wasn’t planned beforehand, but ended up being the result of the natural progression of the music, and the conversations within the band. All lyrics were written by Alex except the last song “Retribution” which was written by Daniel(Bass). The band chose “Retribution” as the last song of the album because they felt the lyrics gave the album as a whole a sense of closure. The meaning behind “Retribution” is that time heals, one needs to be patient, and not give up hope, cause even in the darkest of times you can always find a speck of light. Respect what you lost and embrace what will follow.

-> 3-color aside/bside mix w/ neonviolet & bone whiteand beer with black splatter


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2024-10-01T13:26:34+02:00Oktober 1st, 2024|, , |Kommentare deaktiviert für Kavrila – Mor col.LP (Narshadaa)

Devil’s Witches – In All Her Forms col.2xLP (Backbite)

Devil’s witches highly anticipated sophomore album ‘In All Her Forms’ will be available to pre-order from July 9th.

The 12 album tracks are woven within a thematic quadrant focusing on the four generating themes of ‘Maiden, Mistress, Mother, Matriarch’ respectively, each creating a triplet quarter of the diegesis.

1. L’image
2. Successive Slidings of Pleasure
3. Blood of the Witch

4. Pussycat in a Woman’s Skin
5. Space Age Sorceress
6. Hunting Dracul

7. Shadows in the Mirror
8. Magic Mama
9. Smoke & Sorcery

10. Queen of Wands
11. Tides upon Jupiter
12. Hymn for the Supervixen

Each of the quarters of the album contain their own narrative that ties into the one advancing and the one preceding which then loops back to the beginning ad infinitum to create a story that is both self contained and expansive. As you press deeper into the lyrics and poetry there are mise en abymes and other narrative mysteries to be discovered. ‘In All Her Forms’ is the evolution of the traditional concept album into something much more multi-faceted and nouveau.

There is music, poetry, thunderous doomy riffs, haunting ballads, expressive piano instrumental and all illustrated with the beautiful album photography shot on location in the Holy Island by music and fashion photographer Ian West.

The album will be available in four vinyl editions each corresponding to a generating theme from the album in the following colours ‘Maiden – Red’ ‘Mistress – Black’ ‘Mother – Green’ and ‘Matriarch – Gold’

‘In All Her Forms’ is available to pre-order from July 9th at the Majestic Mountain Records big cartel and the Devil’s Witches Charlie Company big cartel.


Maiden Edition (Solid red+black marbled)
– Full colour gatefold
– 10mm spine.
– 2xLP 180g heavyweight vinyl
– 2x Black polylined inner sleeve
– 1x 8-pages photo/lyric booklet

2024-06-25T10:35:37+02:00Juni 11th, 2024|, , |Kommentare deaktiviert für Devil’s Witches – In All Her Forms col.2xLP (Backbite)

Space Chaser – Dead Sun Rising col.LP/CD

Ui, man merkt nicht nur am Cover, sondern auch gleich beim Opener „Metro Massacre“, dass die SPACE CHASER eine ganze Schippe Düsternis nachgelegt haben, aber nicht ohne die Eingängigkeit und Hymnenhaftigkeit zu verlieren. Gereift nennt man das wohl. Der Gitarrensound ist richtig sehnig und heavy und Sänger Siggi übertrifft sich selbst in puncto Kraft und Variabilität. Sehr geil. Mir scheint, dass die Band sich bemüht hat, das überdreht comic-hafte auszumerzen, zumindest kommt das bei mir so an: dafür sind die Gitarrenarrangements ausgefeilter, aggressiver und besser als zuvor.

Gesanglich pendelt Siggi immer wieder zwischen Dickinson und jungem Kiske, aber deutlich angriffslustiger als beide. In Sachen No Bullshit Thrash macht denen so schnell auf jeden Fall keiner was vor, die sind mit allen Wassern gewaschen und wie die das hinkriegen, das durchaus anspruchsvolle Material allein von der Geschwindigkeit her, geschweige denn in dieser gebotenen Tightness auch besoffen noch hinzukriegen, bleibt mir ein Rätsel. Wer also nach der ersten Platte gedacht hat, Space Chaser machen die Tankard Truppe, Hauptsache ballern und saufen, wird vielleicht sogar leicht enttäuscht sein, aber wer sich für richtig gut gemachten und abwechslungsreichen Thrash Metal interessiert, kommt an dieser Band unmöglich noch vorbei. Da ist kein Gramm Fett dran, der Sound ist phänomenal transparent, dabei crisp und drückend, und die Instrumentalisten haben sich noch einmal gesteigert: das Songwriting erinnert mich immer wieder an leichtfüssigere Slayer, Overkill, frühe Deathrow, Holy Moses, 80er Metallica oder natürlich Anthrax.

Dieses Tempo! „Anthem“ trägt den Titel nicht umsonst, den Maiden-Gedächtnis-Refrain muss man erst mal bringen. Können! „Judgement Day“ ist ein Riffgewitter auf derart hohem Niveau, dass mir die Kinnlade runterfällt, inklusive wundervollem Cliff Burton-Bass-Outro. „Xenomorph“ beweist direkt im Anschluss, das die auch Midtempo-Nummern beherrschen, hier melodischer als bei meinem Lieblingssong „Predator“, aber nicht minder überzeugend: riesengroßer Refrain im High End Format und das Endriff ist ein so endcooler Schädelspalter, da freu ich mich jetzt schon auf die Konzerte. Wie viel Metal Heart Herzblut in dieser Scheibe steckt, ist wirklich unglaublich. „Dead Sun Rising“ ist mit Leichtigkeit die metalligste Metalplatte, die ich dieses Jahr gehört habe: und ich höre gerne und viel Metal! True to the bone, trotzdem modern und ohne irgendwie angestaubt oder rückwärtsgewandt rüberzukommen. Metalheads unite und Mosh up the Unmoshed! Höchstwertung von meiner Seite, denn eine derarte Steigerung in Songwriting, Sound und Performance hätte ich denen nach dem ohnehin großartigen Debüt nie und nimmer zugetraut. So lasse ich mich aber gerne eines Besseren belehren!

Anspieltipps: Mosh up the Unmoshed, Judgement Day, Xenomorph, Anthem, The Harbinger, Metro Massacre, Black Hole Circle Pit, Flight of the Atlas, Mother of the Hatch, Salvation Army Dead Sun Rising, Atomcrusher.

2024-04-12T17:11:12+02:00September 29th, 2021|, , , |Kommentare deaktiviert für Space Chaser – Dead Sun Rising col.LP/CD

Winter – Into Darkness 2xLP Box (Svart)

Lieferbar vorraussichtlich 1. Woche Juni!

The ultimate edition on vinyl! Housed in a heavy-duty slipcase, the package features a replica of Into Darkness LP with original cover layout, the demo Eternal Frost making its vinyl debut plus a thick magazine with Winter memorabilia. This version is on black vinyl and limited to 500 copies.

Perpetually out of print, much sought after and universally worshipped amongst those in the know, Winter’s Into Darkness was a game-changing classic.
Formed in New York circa 1988, Winter played slow, deep and hard nuclear doom with a crust punk rawness, that came across like Hellhammer jamming with Amebix. Their penchant for mammoth sized and funeral-paced, wasteland droning has become a touchstone reference for bands across the whole spectrum of underground metal.
Their pre-internet infamy led to Winter demos being tape- traded in hallowed adoration by fans and bands alike, gaining notable fans such as Fenriz from Darkthrone. Deserving of their special place in the pantheon of one-off classic albums, the Swans-like noise and down-tuned Earth-like riffs of Into Darkness went on to spawn countless doom and sludge bands, being an influence for an entire doomed generation.
The Winter come-back show at Roadburn Festival in 2011 was massively anticipated and held a captivated audience. Packing out one of The Netherlands largest stages, that particular Winter show, after many years in obscurity is a rare event that is still highly regarded today. The band is a rare jewel amongst collectors, and audiences alike.
Svart Records is proud to re-release Into Darkness once more, having only been reissued once in a limited edition during this millennium, putting the album back in print for a new generation of listeners. This reprint notably also features the legendary demo which was only reissued on a mini-cd in 1995, now finally on vinyl.
The double CD package will feature a large lush booklet, and the double vinyl set comes in a slipcase box with a luxury 32 page magazine, with every imaginable press clipping and piece of memorabilia about Winter ever produced!

2023-01-24T14:11:26+01:00Mai 28th, 2021|, , , |Kommentare deaktiviert für Winter – Into Darkness 2xLP Box (Svart)


This Charming Man Records is an independent record label from Muenster/Germany.

We work with Cargo Records Germany, Sonic Rendevouz (NL/BE), Day After, Cobraside (US), Code 7 (UK), Season Of Mist (FR) and Green Hell Records as our distribution/wholesale partners.
feel free to get in contact for wholesalerates

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