The Tidal Sleep/Orbit the Earth – Split col.LP

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150x half coke bottle/half clear blue (mailorder exclusive), 300x coke bottle clear, 300x clear blue

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A magnificent split of the two befriended bands The Tidal Sleep and Orbit The Earth

The release is something special for both bands: New songs from The Tidal Sleep after their smash release “Vorstellungskraft”, which sold 3500 copies in just 4 months, which has to add up to the old material. The boys approached song writing differently this time (every band member wrote a song by himself) which concludes to 3 songs plus one Orbit The Earth cover by The Tidal Sleep.

Orbit The Earth went through some severe changes in the past 12 months. The Band was on the verge of breaking up after the bass player and the singer parted ways. But the band stood together, found a new bass player and added Julian, the song writer and guitar player to the vocals. Musically, this change meant a new pop influence for the band, but still with the soul of the old songs. The songs were written on acoustic guitar and more accessible to the listener, the influence of The Arms Are Snakes is recognizable. The crazy madness, one of the bands handwriting, is still there, so every fan of the first OTE record won’t be disappointed.

Either you don’t like the bands or the label, but still, everyone should freak out about this record!

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Weight ,3 kg

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This Charming Man Records
an der Kleimann Adresse 36
48157 Münster

email: info at

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Christian Weinrich

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This Charming Man Records is an independent record label from Muenster/Germany.

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