The Tidal Sleep – Four Song EP 12″


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Pressing Info:
1st press: 100x white, 500x black, all copies with B-side etching – SOLD OUT
2nd press:300x purple see through wax – no etching


Lieferzeit: 2 Werktage, wenn nicht Preorder


What a summer for the four piece THE TIDAL SLEEP from the south of germany. the first lp has sold almost 1000 copies and they guys played literaly every pommesbude in germany – leaving behind a lot people speachless. This „untitled“ Ep features four brand new songs which are more catchy and indie-like in its songwriting as the last record.

the new songs bring the typical TTS shoegaze-ish guitarlayers over dreamy delay-scapes, beautiful melodies, a massive sounding driving bass, Nic`s metaphoric lyrics filling his screamed/spoken anger and despair. this record takes a big step forward, a further step away from the classical modern hardcore stuff towards an almost „pop“-sounding postrock stuff. the songwriting reminds me sometimes at the mighty Mogwai or Envy, as powerful and as beautiful passionate music can be.

Recorded with Lewis Johns in Cologne at Gottesweg Studos and Tiger Kadavar & mastered by Dan Coutant


Defeated Lips 3:04
Kissing Clocks 4:55
Frozen Mouth 4:03
Failures Off 5:09

Additional information

Weight ,3 kg

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This Charming Man Records
an der Kleimann Adresse 36
48157 Münster

email: info at

Verantwortliche Person in der EU

Christian Weinrich


This Charming Man Records is an independent record label from Muenster/Germany.

We work with Cargo Records Germany, Sonic Rendevouz (NL/BE), Day After, Cobraside (US), Code 7 (UK), Season Of Mist (FR) and Green Hell Records as our distribution/wholesale partners.
feel free to get in contact for wholesalerates

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