
Now Here’s An Echo From Your Future is a visceral, white-knuckle ride and Girls in Synthesis smash so many things together that you’d be forgiven for thinking they are trying to find their own Higgs boson particle. They are a band that not only understand the sonic possibilities of what they can do but also love to stress-test their sound to see how far they can take it before it breaks. As agitators GiS do create “a state of anxiety or nervous excitement” as well as “…arousing public concern about an issue and pressing for action on it” they agitate the brain cells as well as the very DNA of the listener and this release is compelling and strong enough to not only become one of the must have albums of 2020 but for years to come. As they say in ‘They’re Not Listening’ – “Ambiguity breeds contempt, while reality breeds the hate, that’s needed to supply them with the eye, to find who they can manipulate” ” JoyZine

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