
Emilie Zoé was invited in 2018 by the alternative film festival « 2300 plan 9 à Les Étranges Nuits du Cinéma » in La Chaux-de-Fonds, CH to create a live soundtrack for a movie of her choice. She asked Christian Garcia-Gaucher, who had recently produced her second album The Very Start, to join the project. They chose together Roy Andersson’s A Pigeon Sat on a Branch Reflecting on Existence for its hypnotic rhythm and its overall contemplative atmosphere and worn out colors. Within a few days, they wrote a collection of delicate themes and slightly melancholic interludes that they could play along the original feature. The show sold out and it felt crucial to everyone that such an exciting project would not end there. They gathered few months later in Swiss producer Louis Jucker’s tiny attic studio to lay these sounds on rusty second hand tapes. These 11 demo tapes merged spontaneously into a rich collaborative album, that assembles lo-fi pop hits and intriguing field recordings into a surprisingly coherent whole.

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