Statues – Adult Lobotomy LP (Crazysane)

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black wax 12″ with printed innersleeve
MP3 download code included

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SKU: Crazysane Staues LP Categories: , , , Tags: , , , ,

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”In music it’s a rare balance to successfully blend politics and fun, aggression with melody. Drawing on some of my fave post-punk influences and classic rock grooves, Statues debut Adult Lobotomy walks a line like Phillippe Petit across the sky between Twin Towers, gracefully subversive.” Walter Schreifels (Quicksand, Rival Schools, Youth of Today, Gorilla Biscuits)

MP3 Download Code included

Recorded at Parasit Studios by Fredrik Lyxzén and at Statues rehearsal room during 2 summer days. Produced by Statues and Christian Ramirez. Mixed by Christian Ramirez. Mastered by Mats Hammarström. Artwork by Joel Dunkels @ Blondino Studios

Johan Sellman: vocals, guitar
Magnus Öberg: drums
Calle Svedjehed: bass

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Weight ,3 kg

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