Die 2. Platte von MIGHT aus Hanover, und der Name ist Programm! Ein Abgrund tut sich schon beim ersten Song auf
Delicate piano sounds are being buried under thick, viscous lava of distorted guitars and a mean bass. Hovering above it, Ana’s subtle, yet haunting voice connects tragedy with hope in a world gone haywire. Or seems like it. Sometimes she has to scream.
Abyss is the second album by the duo MIGHT, from Hanover, founded in January 2020. Ana Muhi (vocals, bass, piano) and Sven Missullis (vocals, guitar, drums) mix elements from various musical genres in their very own way and sound intoxicating organic. Between instrumental frenzy and gentle, fragile acoustic parts, an exchange takes place that musically brings together different genres: black metal, sludge, doom, post rock, shoegaze. The whole thing happens without any showmanship: Loud and quiet in perfect complement, the power of love as an answer to life’s questions. As large as the steps may seem at times, they always remain comprehensible. The common thread consists of the consistent and honest handwriting of the two – an uncompromising couple.
Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, the band could not play live as much as they wanted. Highlights so far include the 2021 Roadburn Redux Festival appearance, where MIGHT played their second concert ever, the 2022 Exile On Mainstream Roadshows, as well as support slot for Wiegedood and the 2022 Rotormania Festival appearance, with the couple contributing in a unique way video projections and thus becoming a trio.
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