
CLOUD CATCHER liefern mit “in asteines PsychoBlues Impro-Jam Album ab, und wiedereinmalbestätig TOTEM CAT sein feines Händchen für geilen 70s influenced Rock! Mit der unbändigen Kraft und Energie des Hard- und Bluesrock der 70er-Jahre macht das Powertrio aus Denver auf „Trails Of Kozmic Dead“ keinen Hehl aus seien Vorlieben
“The excellent album cover and album title gives you an idea that science fiction plays a big part with Cloud Catcher’s music. The album cover was designed by the always reliable Adam Burke. The second half of the album sees Cloud Catcher adding almost ambient noises into their music. Especially on the superb title track with the band adding moments of classic power-trio jamming setting the album for an exciting finish. The album does change direction multiple times but that’s a good thing. As Cloud Catcher don’t play one set sound. They play many different elements of Hard Rock. It makes Tales Of Kozmic Dust a more rewarding experience. All in all, this is a fantastic album with Cloud Catcher on truly outstanding form.” Steve Howe – Outlaws Of The Sun

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