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The Great Beyond – s/t LP/CD/digital

Endlich neues Futter für 70s-Fans! Nach dem gefeierten TCM-Debüt letztes Jahr liefern The Great Beyond aus Münster jetzt den ersten Langspieler. Was soll man sagen? Die Jungs packen wieder jede Menge geile Gitarrensounds aus, allesamt irgendwo in den kernigen 70s verhaftet. In Summe aber gewinnen die Songs im Vergleich zum Vorgänger einige Facetten dazu: wenn „A Better Place“ der stilsichere, aber zurückhaltend-relaxte Typ im Vintagehemd war, ist das Teil hier eher sein bester Kumpel mit amtlicher Matte, Fransenjacke und ordentlich Bierdurst. Gehalten haben sich die ausgefeilten Lick-Gewitter und soliert wird auch immer noch, das Ganze wechselt sich jedoch nun stärker als je zuvor ab mit Parts die mit geilem Hard-Rock-Feeling nach vorne gehen, immer auf dem schmalen Grat zwischen dem Punch von Queens of the Stone Age und der lässigen Verspieltheit der Labelkollegen Heat. Auch Fans der TCM-Doomer Mountain Witch sollten sich das mal geben, aufgrund des 70s-Flairs sowieso, aber eben auch weil besonders die schnelleren Riffs einen ähnlich fetten Groove entfalten.

Finally. New food for 70s and Classic Rock fans! After the celebrated TCM debut EP “A Better Place” last year, The Great Beyond from Münster are preparing for the band’s first self-proclaimed longplayer.

Once again, the guys unpack a lot of great guitar sounds, which were all arrested somewhere in the 70s. But overall the songs gain more facets than their predecessor EP. If “A Better Place” was the stylish, but reservedly relaxed guy in a vintage shirt, the Full Length colleague might be the best buddy with a fringe jacket and an enormous thirst for beer. The subtle thunderstorms have stayed and the sound is still vintage soaked, but the whole thing changes now more than ever with parts that move forward with a wild hard rock feeling, always on the thin line between the powerful Queens Of the Stone Age and the casual playfulness of their classic rock colleagues Heat or Kadavar. Fans of the TCM-Doom outfit Mountain Witch should also try it, because of the fantastic 70s flair and the fast and convincing riffs.

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2024-06-15T12:43:47+02:00November 24th, 2018|, , , , |Kommentare deaktiviert für The Great Beyond – s/t LP/CD/digital

The Great Beyond – A Better Place LP/CD

“The Great Beyond pull together classic and modern heavy rock styles and make a righteous first impression on their debut.” — The Obelisk

“The Great Beyond… das ist ein Trio aus Münster und wenn ich mir die Platte so anhöre, könnte man meinen Münster liegt in Schweden. Hier wird nämlich ordentlich der schwedischen Schlaghosenschule gehuldigt. Hier und da mal twin Gitarren und alles nicht ganz so doll verzerrt. Um die Schublade zu füllen sag ich jetzt mal: Graveyard kommt da einem in den Kopf und auch die Leichtigkeit von Dead Lord. Aber irgendwie ist da noch was anderes drin. Münster ist halt doch nicht Skandinavien. Kadavar haben da auch ihren Fuß drin. Am ehesten vergleichen tät ich sie mit Magic Jove – kommen natürlich aus Malmö. Die fünf Songs sind recht abwechslungsreich und geben sich mal verspielt und mal ziemlich straight nach vorne. Immer recht bluesig. Ich bin persönlich sehr empfindlich was Stimme angeht und da muss ich mal sagen, dass der Gute abliefert. Klingt nicht deutsch. Ist in meinem Ohr immer ein Pluspunkt. Mir persönlich würde eine etwas dreckigere Produktion liegen, aber das ist erste LP der Jungs und da geht noch mehr. Das hör ich. Ich glaub an der Stelle jetzt kommt son Fazitsatz. Also.. Leute, gebt denen ein Ohr, wenn ihr 70s Rock mit Bluesiger Note und sogar etwas Pop mögt.” Rene Sitte – Mountain Witch

2024-05-04T23:04:22+02:00Mai 25th, 2018|, , , |Kommentare deaktiviert für The Great Beyond – A Better Place LP/CD

Hypnodrone Ensemble – Gets Polyamorous col.LP (W&V)

Hypnodrone Ensemble, the highly vibrant and transformative experimental spacerock/krautrock lovechild between Aidan Baker (Nadja, Noplace Trio) and Eric Quach (Thisquietarmy) with varying group of other musicians, are gearing up to release their new album Gets Polyamorous on October 23rd (digital) / 30th (vinyl) through Wolves And Vibrancy Records.

On Gets Polyamorous, the group made up of fifteen merited individuals, manage to capture the very essence of aural ebb and flow, and what it means to melt seamlessly into one, greater musical entity. Like before, the album’s backbone is constituted of pulses driven by strong percussions, coated with a variety of contemporary instruments, all together creating a sonical force beyond your imagination, packed with a thoroughly enjoyable and memorable impact.

””Gets Polyamorous” began with the idea of wanting the different musicians with whom we have played live, at various concerts and festivals in cities around Europe, to contribute to a Hypnodrone Ensemble album. As a starting point, we recorded and shared a number of simple guitar riffs and drone loops online and invited musicians to contribute parts, slowly building up layers and constructing the songs as contributions came in. As all previous Hypnodrone Ensemble albums resulted from live in studio session recordings, this was a much different process in recording and songwriting for us, resulting in a differently sounding and structured album, whilst still working within the realms of our habitual spacerock and krautrock sounds. For the cover art, we wanted to have everyone who played on the album represented as well, but of course we were not able to take a group photo. So, much like the album itself, we collaged together a photo of us all together in some summery garden suggestive of Father Yod and The Source Family Band; communal living, experimental psych rock, and (at least) musical polyamory.” – Aidan Baker

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2023-01-24T14:11:47+01:00März 25th, 2021|, , |Kommentare deaktiviert für Hypnodrone Ensemble – Gets Polyamorous col.LP (W&V)

Svalbard – Discography 2012-2014 2LP (Through Love)

“Svalbard are a great example of a band who have done things The Right Way. Existing as a band for approximately 4 years before releasing their debut album, Svalbard played the slow and steady game, holding their cards relatively close to their chest. This enabled them to finely hone their craft over a number of 7”s, EPs and split releases, each time improving slightly on their songwriting and recording methodology, allowing themselves to experiment and push their sound in different directions along the way. This plan of attack enabled the band to consistently improve without the stringent spotlight, or pressure thereof, of an album. It also, rightly, seemed to keep people wanting more…

Remastered in full by Brad Boatright (OFF!, Sleep, Converge) this double LP, 15 song, set contains the bands debut self-titled 7”, ‘Gone Tomorrow’ 10”, ‘Flightless Birds’ 7”, the split LP with Pariso (including collaboration songs) and a Victims cover that appeared on the ‘Cover Buzz’ split 7” with MINE, Let It Die and Pariso. This is everything that Svalbard recorded prior to seminal debut album ‘One Day All This Will End’, collected together in full for the first time, with new, enhanced, sonic punch.

Looking beyond specifics, this collection provides a fascinating insight into the growth and growth of one of the most unique bands around right now. Combining post-hardcore, crust/d-beat, post-rock and black metal atmospherics and intensity, Svalbard are a genre unto themselves, rather than a bizarre blur of styles. This release only goes to cement that ‘ODATWE’ was no fluke – here are another 15 tracks charting the evolution of one of the best and most fascinating bands today.”

2019-08-21T16:47:57+02:00November 26th, 2018|, |Kommentare deaktiviert für Svalbard – Discography 2012-2014 2LP (Through Love)


This Charming Man Records is an independent record label from Muenster/Germany.

We work with Cargo Records Germany, Sonic Rendevouz (NL/BE), Day After, Cobraside (US), Code 7 (UK), Season Of Mist (FR) and Green Hell Records as our distribution/wholesale partners.
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